Please allow us a minimum of two days to fulfill your order here. Mahalo!
This website is intentionally for bulk orders, if you need popcorn immediately, please give us a call! Email if you have any questions :)
(808) 428-6235 |
** When checking out, please choose "pick up" and your desired location **
Now hiring: part time employees and Marketing Manager!

Meet Hawaii's Favorite Snack
The perfect addition to your favorite movie, our Volcano popcorn has butter, furikake, and mochi crunch - a crunchy shoyu rice cracker. Don't worry, you don't need to wait for cheat day 🤫
Best Sellers✨
Family Picks 🌺

Sweet Popcorn🍬
Take a look at our sweet popcorn, but don't be fooled -...

Family Picks
This is the remainder of our products, consisting of our personal favorites

Best Sellers🌿
These are our most popular mixes - find one for perfect for...

About Us
Welcome to our online space! My name is Mei (I'm on the right) and that's my dad on the left, he goes by Chen. My dad originally bought this business for my mom to operate - due to her language obstacle. Some background of our family, we immigrated here to Hawaii in 2007, my dad working many different jobs to see what was best cut out for him, then he decided to take the risk and be an entrepreneur! A small take-out restaurant was his first business, then the popcorn stand was established. During the first few years of our stand getting off its feet, he would work at his food truck during the day, then come relieve Mom of her shift at the stand so she could tend to the kids. Thanks to the support of every single one of you, we've been fortunate enough to make this our full time gig. Since 2016, we've opened two more locations in addition to the original in Windward Mall - the first in Downtown Pealridge and the second in Uptown Pearlridge (under the name Jumbo Popcorn).

The one that started it all - the Popcorn Lei!
Our popcorn leis have been a graduation staple in Hawaii for years now! Submit a picture of your graduation with a popcorn lei to our email ( to be featured here!
Kapalama Center *new!!
1210 Dillingham Blvd, ste 14
Uptown Pearlridge Shopping Center
98-1005 Moanalua Rd
(TJ Maxx wing)
Downtown Pearlridge Shopping Center
98-1005 Moanalua Rd.
(Old Sears wing, close to Cookie Corner)
Windward Mall
46-056 Kamehameha Hwy
(Ross wing, next to Panda Express)